Check out our 2020 Opera Gala!
This compilation is a review of the Opera Gala… Opera for a Cause concerts from 2012-2019, and highlights some of Opera Galas most memorable moments. Opera Gala… Opera for a Cause – An Evolution is our 2020 COVID Concert. Please enjoy, stay safe and consider making a donation to one of our chosen charities or directly to the Opera Gala. Thank you!
Who are we?
Opera Gala… Opera for a Cause is a set of annual benefit concerts that have raised tens of thousands of dollars for community charities. Representing the best of Northern Ontario talent, the performances highlight 20 skilled vocalists and chamber orchestra and also allow bursary students to experience live performance of Opera and Broadway to help further their artistic endeavours. Over the last nine years, vocalists, musicians and those who volunteered their services to create the elegance of these amazing performances, have built a legacy of exceptional music, true friendship and extraordinary performances!
Thank you so much to all who helped bring our previous performances to life – from Jacaranda Events event planning and Cambrian College music students for front-of-house duties, to associates who helped with everything from lighting, overhead projection, sponsorship generation and the silent auction – we love you!